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The internet makes me a moving target for cowardly;unscrupulous people who want to tarnish my good name while hiding in anonymity I am referring to poisoness reviews on the internet There’s one on something called Yelp Some one, claiming to be a man with a first name yet only an initial for a last name,...

My father, Ralph Leonard Blackman, died early in the morning on December 23, 2013 at the age of 89. My father was a good man. He loved animals and old movies and candy. He never complained about things that happened to him and he never talked about anyone behind their back. He was a straight...


October 23, 2013

This is what I seek for my clients in the legal system Call it fairness or what is right Any time the government is prosecuting a client of mine the stakes are raised Tremendous challenge Tremendous responsibility Reach deep, deeper They want to put your client behind bars, Jeffrey You can’t let that happen Food,...

I have another jury trial coming up next month It is increasingly on my mind The career implications of a loss for my client are immense Approaching such a task is training for the legal olympics It is me against the government All its manpower, resources and money Beginning November 1st my weekends will be...


October 8, 2013

October has always been my favorite month. The change of seasons. Halloween. The World Series. My birthday. I’ve missed you, old buddy. Take your time. Move slowly. Make your self at home.

UncategorizedThe LSAT

September 4, 2013

If you enjoyed what I wrote about Old Spice and Yoplait you’ll love this It’s the grand daddy of them all The law school admissions test Brought to you, if I remember correctly 40 years later, by the Educational Testing Service You have to take the LSAT to get into law school I was sick...


August 21, 2013

Writing about Old Spice and P and G not giving a damn reminded me of Yoplait More than 30 years ago, when Yoplait first hit the grocery shelves, there was a promotion It was advertised that there would be numbers on the inside of those metal lids that could be redeemed for prizes I imagine...

On August 18, 1963 we arrived in Tucson. I remember it clearly. I was in the backseat of our 1963 Chevy Impala convertible. The map we used coming across country showed no airport in Tucson. Off I-10 at Grant Road heading east. It looked, after Cincinnati, that we had arrived at the end of the...

when i was a younger man i tried them all brut, english leather, bay rum you name it i tried dozens in my late teens and early 20s i found that what i liked the best was old spice cologne and i’ve been using it regularly for over 40 years the last time i went...

A few days ago I finished reading a wonderful book entitled “George Washington – A Life” A client of mine recommended it to me while he was sitting in my office and looking at the titles of my American history books Prior to reading this book I knew little about GW He was truly a...

A blue square with the letter j and b in it.