
In the past 50 years the human population has doubled. In the past 50 years the wildlife population has declined 70%. We are a flawed species destroying our planet.

What I type here, at my blog, appears differently than what you will see on my blog at my website, JBattorney.com. Here, at my blog, what I write appears as I have written it. On my website you will see one long, run on sentence until you click on “read more”. Once you do, the...

It’s 8 years today, Dad. I think of you regularly. And I miss you all the time. You were a great Santa. I remember coming into the living room in my pajamas on Christmas morning and there was the plate with the cookie crumbs on it and the empty glass of milk. Whatever it was...

Little Hawk, who is no longer little, visits, flies overhead, screeches to me, on a regular basis. This marvelous Mother Earth contains wonders without end.

A few days ago the Daily Star ran one of its time capsules. If you opened it up in the middle, and looked on the right hand side, at the top of the page was a photograph of John Kennedy and right below him a photograph of his brother, Bobby. I saw John speak in...

Not long after I get home every day, I go out to my backyard, to see how my plants are doing, to run the drip and to check the pool. There she was. About 8 inches tall. On the top step of the pool, her legs stretched up as far as possible, her head titled...

I have always loved to read. Of the thousands of books that I have read, The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert is the most important book that I have ever read. The books that have influenced me the most are The Teachings of Don Juan, A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan and Tales of Power,...

I carry you through time with me, Dad. As long as I live you will live too; in my memories, in my mind’s eye, in my heart; in that part of this man that only death could eradicate. I wish we could do it all over again. Hey everybody. I had the world’s greatest dad....

A blue square with the letter j and b in it.