Jury Trials

To be an able attorney before a jury at trial is the crowning art of my profession.

The two main areas of my practice are criminal defense and domestic relations.

I’ve been trying cases in both areas for 40 Years.

Domestic trials are before the Court.

Criminal trials for all felonies, and for some misdemeanors, are before a jury unless the defendant chooses to waive his or her right to a trial by jury.

A jury trial is the culmination of months of hard work, none harder than the days before trial and the trial it self.

My last jury trial was representing Steven Powers in the Pima County Superior Court on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

If we lost Steven was looking at seven and a half years in prison, no probation available.

The trial lasted three days.

The jury was out less than two hours.

Not guilty.

Steven was a good client, working with me every step of the way.

I’m proud in my belief that he would tell you he had a good lawyer.

A blue square with the letter j and b in it.